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. . . Thursday, June 23, 2005 . . .
Day Three Report
Posted 6/23/2005 10:21:00 PM EST by Bruce Deming
I hardly know where to start, so I'll begin by saying sorry it's taken so long for me to post an update. The past three days have been amazing and very hard. A few memories come to mind -- riding threough the desert the first night with a temp of 101 at midnight -- searing heat in our lungs as we hammered away at the pavement for hour after dark hour. Today, we had a rider suffering from lack of sleep so we had the crew get a room and catch up with the rest of us later. Lou Lamoureux and I rode through the night last night across the Arizona desert, an dthen all day into Utah and eventually Colorado. Everyone -- all members of the crew and all memberts of the team, have peformed incredibly. We just passed through Durango Colorado, and are now headed for Wolf Creek pass, at 10,500 feet, the highest elevation of the race. Then, it's on to Trinidad, Colorado, and after that, the Kansas border sometime tomorrow morning. Thanks for your continuing support and God bless you all. All the best, your smelly pal, Bruce
. . . Thursday, June 16, 2005 . . .
Final Preparations
Posted 6/16/2005 04:36:00 PM EST by Bruce Deming
It hardly seems possible that after all these months of training, working on the campaign, and a million other tasks, we are finally nearing the start of this incredible race. All week, everyone has been rushing to finalize all the countless logistical details of gear and human transport to California, getting all the administrative work done, and pulling together all the gear we will need to see us through this race successfully and safely. Throughout it all, the riders continue to train - every -day - both on the bikes and in our minds as we try to visualize how this is going to go. Since none of us have done the RAAM before, a little tension and nervousness is to be expected. I know I certainly feel it. :) Despite all the running around, I feel great, and have every confidence that our riders and crew will be absolutely awesome. Everyone is stepping up with what they need to be doing in the fnal hours, and it's inspiring to see us functioning as a great team even before we leave. It's also inspiring to see the steady flow of contributions that have been coming in to the campaign - especially over this past week. We really appreciate everyone's generosity towards this great cause. Now all that said, I'm REALLY looking forward to getting all the preparations behind us and just getting out there to race! This is going to be epic!