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Lou's Blog: Transplant Athlete

. . . Thursday, June 16, 2005 . . .

Close Call
Posted 6/16/2005 08:42:00 AM EST by Lou Lamoureux

I went for a 6 hour ride today. I was just noodling around, nothing serious. I went up to La Mesa, where Bill's cousin will be putting us up for the weekend. That's a great ride up into the hills. I then rode down University into the Downtown area and scoped out the restaurants. I found a great sub shop (Grab N Go). After Lunch, I went up towards Mission Beach and got pretty lost, so I decided to head back to the hotel.

On my way past the Airport, I was cruising in the aero bars at 25 mph when a BLUE Van coming in the opposite direction decided he/she/it could make a left hand turn in front of me. For those who don't know, it takes a couple of seconds to get out of the aero bars and grab the brakes. I slammed on the brakes and locked up the rear wheel. I saw that BLUE sheet metal getting closer and closer and I braced for impact. I shed enough momentum that I could steer around the back of the van. Time to change the shorts. I spent the next 15 minutes shaking and wondering how I missed the van.

I read this month's issue of Outside Magazine on the plane and it has a look at the "up and coming" US racers. Craig Lewis is supposed to be the next Lance and during the TT stage of the Tour de Georgia, he was in the aerobars and cruising at 40 mph when a 65 year old retiree pulled his SUV into Craig's path. When he woke up at the hospital, his first question, scribbled onto a pad was "When ride?" Lance himself has been hit by cars 6 times. So, with all of these close calls, I'm starting to get the feeling that my number is coming up soon. BTW The RAAM start line is set up.

P.S. Papa Johns won't deliver to this hotel, yet another reason why this hotel sucks.

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