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. . . Sunday, June 26, 2005 . . .
Solo Riders in Illinois
Posted 6/26/2005 06:39:00 PM EST by Catherine Cooke
Bruce and Lou passed a couple of solo riders during their pull today in Illinois. They said Cat Berge looked fantastic and waved a friendly hello. Chris Hopkinson had a board rigged to his back to keep his head up, but still had enough energy to say hi and cheer Lou on ahead of him.
The team did a rider swich just as Ben Couturier rode by. Bruce caught up and paced with him for about 15 minutes. Ben looked great and smiled and waved to all of us as we cheered him on. His dad yelled out the side of their follow vehicle, "He doesn't need a pacer! He needs a rabbit!" I talked to his mother at TS 36 and she said everyone on their team was in good spirits.
Bill and Martin are waiting at TS 37 for Bruce and Lou to arrive so they can start their next 4 to 5 hour pull.
. . . Saturday, June 25, 2005 . . .
Our Love - Hate Relationship with Kansas
Posted 6/25/2005 11:19:00 AM EST by Catherine Cooke
Love: The amazing people and the Chamber of Commerce of Ulysses who manned a FANTASTIC time station around the clock. They gave us water, maps (the RV park map was like GOLD), information books AND called the grocery store so that would open up just for us so we could get some bananas. We love Ulysses! Kind-of-Like / Kind-of-Not: The town of Kechi, that organized a parade the day we had to ride through town. I'm writing from the RV, which is currently stuck IN the parade. The townspeople seem to think this is on purpose and they're excited to see us wave from the window. They don't seem to understand we're in a race to get to Atlantic City. We're making the best of it and are throwing Organic Food Bars -- our sponsor -- and Give Life bracelets from the window and the kids love it. We're hoping that our rider, who is quite a bit ahead of us, isn't stuck behind one of the horses. Hate: Mosquitos. Millions and millions of mosquitos.
. . . Thursday, June 23, 2005 . . .
Bruce's Day Three Report
Posted 6/23/2005 09:44:00 PM EST by Bruce Deming
I hardly know where to start, so I'll begin by saying sorry it's taken so long for me to post an update. The past three days have been amazing and very hard. A few memories come to mind -- riding threough the desert the first night with a temp of 101 at midnight -- searing heat in our lungs as we hammered away at the pavement for hour after dark hour. Today, we had a rider suffering from lack of sleep so we had the crew get a room and catch up with the rest of us later. Lou Lamoureux and I rode through the night last night across the Arizona desert, an dthen all day into Utah and eventually Colorado. Everyone -- all members of the crew and all memberts of the team, have peformed incredibly. We just passed through Durango Colorado, and are now headed for Wolf Creek pass, at 10,500 feet, the highest elevation of the race. Then, it's on to Trinidad, Colorado, and after that, the Kansas border sometime tomorrow morning. Thanks for your continuing support and God bless you all. All the best, your smelly pal, Bruce
We Salute Bob Breedlove
Posted 6/23/2005 05:33:00 PM EST by Catherine Cooke
With profound regret, Race Across America announces that Bob Breedlove, competitor #188, collided head-on with a pickup truck at approximately 12.15 p.m. EDT, on June 23, 28 miles west of Trinidad, Colorado. When paramedics arrived on the scene they pronounced him dead. The accident took place on a section of road that sloped very gently downhill for cyclists in the race. According to the driver of the pickup truck, Bob Breedlove appeared to collapse on his bicycle and swerved into the path of the oncoming vehicle.
Cyclists competing in the Race Across America are offered the option of completing the race, should they so desire.
Race Director Jim Pitre said: "Speaking both personally, and on behalf of the entire management and all those associated with the race, I extend my most sincere sympathy to the family of Bob Breedlove."
Cortez to Durango
Posted 6/23/2005 03:26:00 PM EST by Catherine Cooke
The team just arrived in Cortez, Colorado and should be in Durango by 4:15. This mornings highlight was seeing the sunrise through Monument Valley in Utah.
. . . Wednesday, June 22, 2005 . . .
Quick Update
Posted 6/22/2005 06:42:00 PM EST by Catherine Cooke
Having major Internet problems ... writing on borrowed computer. We're between TS 7 and 8, Prescott and Williams. Lou and Martin are relay riding for the next 4 hours or so. We ran into a quick rainstorm today, but are making good time. Still trying to recover ground from the firt link: flat tire and 30 minute "detour". Weather has been relatively good, spirits are still high, will try to write soon.
. . . Tuesday, June 21, 2005 . . .
And They're Off!
Posted 6/21/2005 05:14:00 PM EST by Catherine Cooke
Lou has been on the road for 14 minutes now and the crew will be following shortly. The starting ceremony was fantastic -- each team was introduced together, and then one rider from each team took off for a ceremonial parade through San Diego's Balboa Park.
Lou is riding with Jason Weckworth of Team Donate Life. Jason is a 2003 kidney donor,l so between the two of them two healthy kidneys are a couple miles into the race.
The Jet Truck and the RV are heading up the highway to TS1 Pine Valley, while the follow vehicle stays behind to pick up Lou at the end of the parade. The official race time then starts, and our first rider hits the ground.
. . . Sunday, June 19, 2005 . . .
Greetings From Team Give Life World Headquarters!
Posted 6/19/2005 10:24:00 PM EST by Bruce Deming
Greetings from sunny, dry San Diego California! The "June Gloom" that has plagued the locals for weeks departed as soon as we arrived - an auspicious start! The team is busy getting our vehicles ready, and tomorrow we have video interviews, followed by photo sessions and media events. Less than 36 hours away from the race of our lives! We are staying with Will and Michelle Redfield - Will is Bill's cousin. Special thanks to the Redfields for their tremensous hospitality in opening their lovely home to us. And thanks to all of YOU for YOUR support! Team spirit is high, and we can't wait to get on the road! Now....what did I do with that roll of duct tape??
. . . Saturday, June 18, 2005 . . .
Last Minute Details
Posted 6/18/2005 04:16:00 PM EST by Catherine Cooke
I stopped by Fleet Feet DC today to pick up some Penguin Sport-Wash for the trip. They didn't have any in stock to sell me, but gave me a full-sized sampe bottle that was sent to them. If you happen to stop by Fleet Feet DC anytime soon, be sure to thank them for supporting the team!